Adult Females for Sale
There are no adult trained females for sale at this time.
With over 30 years of experience in German Shepherd breeding, a collection of amazing pedigrees and expert training, each of Nobleheim Kennel’s adult female German Shepherds has the ideal environment to grow into a champion competitor, loving companion, or loyal service dog. Each of our beautiful females possess strong bloodlines from her German ancestors that she may pass on to her puppies and the fantastic temperament, commitment and intelligence we have come to love of all our dogs.
If you are seeking a companion for your male German Shepherd pet, as well as a loving dog to bring into your home, our AKC-certified German Shepherd females will make the perfect addition. Their training, socialization, and impeccable health also makes them ideal candidates for the show ring or schutzhund competition. No matter what you are seeking your German Shepherd female, we are happy to help you find the perfect fit with a handsome, healthy and loving dog.
Contact Nobleheim Kennels for trained adult female German Shepherd dogs for sale. Visit our site for more information.
SOLD -- Micah vom Nobleheim
Professional obedience trained, excellent house manners, very well socialized spayed female. Would make an excellent family companion protection dog.

Sire: SCHH3 kk1a V Karat
von der Flagge
SCHH3 V17 Irok Karanberg
SCHH1 Elfe vom
Dam: SCHH1 VA1 Ober von
SCHH3 V1 Vico vom
SCHH1 V Candy vom
SOLD -- V Wasabi vom Kolbengus IPO 1 (VA1 Ober Bad-Boll daughter)

Sire: SCHH3 VA1 Ober von
(BSZS) Gioanni vom
(BSZS) Aike zum
Dam: SCHH1 V 1 Lil' Kim
zum Kolbenguss
SCHH3 VA1 Zamp vom
SCHH1 V Helen zum
SOLD -- SG Margman Xena IPO2 Kkl
Three year old very active female; great in the home and with children. Xena needs an active lifestyle with a lot of family time. She is a wonderful outgoing female you can take anywhere! Please email me at for more information about this beautiful GSD.

Sire: IPO3 SG5 VA5 (CH) Gordon du Clos de Patmisand
SCHH3 VA Atos aus Agrigento
IPO1 V Ewa du Clos de Patmisand
SCHH3 VA4 (CN) Vanos van Noort SCHH3
5XVA, EST CH, EST W11 Margman Quicken IPO3, SCHH2, RH-FL B, PJK3, KK-3
Sire: IPO1 VA1 (EST) Margman Wiezel
SG Roska Feetback IPO1
Sire: VA(EST+FIN+LT) Pepe vom Kuckucksland IPO3
Dam: V Unka Feetback IPO1
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