German Shepherd Puppy
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If you’re considering a Nobleheim German shepherd puppy as a family addition please make sure that this breed is the best fit for your family and lifestyle. The German shepherds are strong in body, spirit, and mind. They need much attention, love, and firm guidance as they grow. German Shepherds are very sociable dogs. They need attention and companionship and they will not do well if left in isolation from people and other companion animals.
The Nobleheim German shepherd puppy matures slowly so you can enjoy your new puppy very nicely and get to learn his likes and dislikes quite well. You should be prepared to provide gentle but firm discipline with a secure environment to help your NobleheimGerman shepherd puppy develop into a healthy, happy, behaved German shepherd dog.
German Shepherds are active and alert, they love to explore their surroundings with room to run and exercise, especially as a puppy. You should be prepared to stimulate this desire to explore and to fulfill the drive of your German shepherd puppy/dog. This exercise can be provided by an active owner, another dog or few with a fenced yard or dog kennel/run.
Tying this dog to a house or a tree is unacceptable and absolutely cruel, it will create frustration, boredom, and a potentially dangerous dog for you and for everyone else. They make excellent family dogs, although they sometimes pick one person as their special person, they can relate well to all members of the household. If they are raised with children, they will develop an abundance of tolerance to the grabbing and poking of tiny fingers.
Raising a puppy with young children takes extra patience and effort for parents. Often the fast growing puppy will use his teeth in playing with children and their toys, sometimes resulting in scratches. Young children often excite puppies who want to wrestle and chase as they did with their littermates. Children can undo all the work a parent has done in training the puppy because a small child is neither firm nor consistent with the pup. As long as parents realize that they will need an extra dose of patience, the German Shepherd puppy can grow up side by side with the children and be a source of lasting memories for all.
Intelligent and Quick to Learn
The German Shepherd is an intelligent dog that loves to be trained and being a working breed, requires a task to stay happy. German Shepherd training is not difficult as this type of dog picks up things very fast and is an eager learner. German Shepherd training, if properly followed, will result in having a well mannered dog that will not have any behavior problems and in this respect it is essential to teach it to respect the owner. The German Shepherd lives much like other dogs and thus may not easily associate itself with what occurred a few seconds ago.
German Shepherd training is easy as they are keen as well as intelligent and enjoy learning. Therefore, giving them basic obedience training should not pose much of a problem as many German Shepherds are even adept at learning tricks. One would be surprised at how well and quickly it can pick up what is taught and one should make it a point to reward it for good behavior as it may make a connection between accomplishment and reward even though it is not always easy for the dog to do so. Food acts as a bridge in understanding what is desired from the dog.
Socializing the German Shepherd is an essential part of its training regime as it will ensure that one gets the best out of its breeding traits and also ensures that it will be comfortable with the owner. Behavioral training will rectify bad habits such as jumping, car chasing, begging, climbing on furniture as well as chewing. The German Shepherd should be dealt with firmly and consistently when training it and one should prohibit it from activities that are simply not allowed. Being ambivalent would only confuse it.
German Shepherd obedience training is also essential and making the dog understand commands such as ‘sit’, ‘no’, ‘stop’ are essential and can be performed in various locations so that the dog gets the hang of it and generalizes its behavior as well as enhances its learning curve. The timing of the obedience training session should be frequent though not too long as extended sessions can easily bore the German Shepherd. Ideally, one could spend ten to fifteen minutes twice or thrice a day teaching it commands such ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘heel’ and ‘come’.
German Shepherd potty training is essential and it should be taught to keep its crate clean and go and eliminate outside. This will take time and requires a great deal of patience. The best time for German Shepherd potty training would be when it is young since puppies often relieve themselves six times a day approximately and so, need to be taught where to eliminate. Potty training requires that it be taken out immediately after meals and there are several other methods of potty training it and one can choose whichever they feel is the most convenient for their lifestyle.
It is also necessary to teach your German Shepherd outside training so that it does not make enemies of your neighbors. A barking dog can be a nuisance and one may need to use special collars that eliminate excessive barking in the dog as they give mild electrical stimulation every time it barks. German Shepherd obedience training is also a very important aspect of the dog’s training program and the owner should learn as much as possible about it.
Some German shepherd puppies ears stand up as early as 7-9 weeks old. Do not be alarmed if your pup’s ears don’t stand until 5-6 months of age. Unusually larger ears may even take longer.
Most often if your puppy is teething this can slow the process as well.
You can stimulate the ears with your fingers and/or massage them to strengthen the cartilage. You can provide “Pet-Tabs” once daily, which is rich in calcium to help the cartilage develop stronger.How-ever, please be careful. To much calcium will build-up on the bone tissue and cause severe pain and abnormality in growth. It can also cause Panosteitis (growing pains and/or inflammation of the bones).
In some cases German shepherd puppies ears never stand. This is called “soft ear”. Soft ears are a genetic inheritance. Sometimes taping can be successful.
Dogs with soft ears should not be bred even if taping is successful.
It is a major disqualification in the show ring.
If the ears stand up but wiggle at the tips when the dog is running. This is identified as “friendly ears”. Friendly ears are not a disqualification in any means but is not pleasing to the eye.
Vaccinations help protect your puppy against diseases, many of which can be life-threatening for non-vaccinated dogs.
At 6 weeks of age, your puppy is old enough to receive his first set of vaccinations against some of these diseases. According to the American Animal Hospital Associations Canine Task Force (AAHACTF) there are different categories of canine vaccines including core vaccines, which are considered essential and non-core vaccines, which are optional and dependent upon environmental factors.
Core vaccines include distemper, rabies, hepatitis and parvovirus while non-core vaccines include parainfluenza, corona virus and bordetella.
Canine Distemper: Distemper is an airborne disease that most commonly affects young puppies. It is highly contagious with a high fatality rate for dogs that become infected. The canine distemper vaccination may be included in a combination vaccine or given separately.
Canine Hepatitis: Canine hepatitis is a potentially fatal viral disease. It most commonly afflicts young puppies that have not been vaccinated during their first set of vaccinations at 6 weeks of age. Canine hepatitis vaccines can be administered separately or given in a combination shot.
Rabies: Rabies is a disease that affects warm blooded animals including dogs and humans. Rabies vaccinations are important because they prevent the potential spread of the disease from an infected dog to a human, if bitten. In most states, a yearly rabies vaccine is required for all pets. This vaccine is typically administered by itself rather than as part of a combination vaccine.
Canine Parvovirus: Canine parvovirus is a severe viral disease that is highly contagious. Parvovirus is highly resistant to many disinfectants making the virus difficult to kill and can be spread from infected feces into soil where it can infect unvaccinated dogs. The parvovirus vaccine is generally given at six weeks as part of a combination vaccine, though it may be given individually as well.
Canine Parainfluenza: Parainfluenza is a respiratory disease that causes infectious tracheobronchitis and upper respiratory disease. The canine parainfluenza vaccine is not considered a core vaccine by the AAHACTF; however, it is often included in a combination vaccine during the puppies first shots at 6 weeks of age.
Canine Corona virus: Corona virus is a disease that attacks the intestinal tract of dogs. Corona virus vaccines are not considered core vaccines and are often only administered to dogs in regions where the virus is considered a threat.
Bordetella Bronchiseptica: The Bordetella vaccination helps prevent the contraction of the bacterial illness Canine Upper Respiratory Disease Complex, more commonly known as kennel cough. Bordetella vaccinations are not considered a core vaccine by the AAHACTF so they may not be administered during the six week vaccinations. If your puppy will frequently be around multiple dogs, such as at dog kennels for boarding or dog shows, you should consider the bordetella vaccination to prevent it from contracting this contagious illness.
The challenge to produce effective and safe vaccines for the prevalent infectious diseases of humans and animals has become increasingly difficult. In veterinary medicine, evidence implicating vaccines in triggering immune-mediated and other chronic disorders (vaccinosis) is compelling. While some of these problems have been traced to contaminated or poorly attenuated batches of vaccine that revert to virulence, others apparently reflect the host’s genetic predisposition to react adversely upon receiving the single (monovalent) or multiple antigen “combo” (polyvalent) products given routinely to animals. Animals of certain susceptible breeds or families appear to be at increased risk for severe and lingering adverse reactions to vaccines.
The onset of adverse reactions to conventional vaccinations (or other inciting drugs, chemicals, or infectious agents) can be an immediate hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reaction, or can occur acutely (24-48 hours afterwards), or later on (10-45 days) in a delayed type immune response often caused by immune-complex formation. Typical signs of adverse immune reactions include fever, stiffness, sore joints and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, central and peripheral nervous system disorders or inflammation, collapse with autoagglutinated red blood cells and jaundice, or generalized pinpoint hemorrhages or bruises. Liver enzymes may be markedly elevated, and liver or kidney failure may accompany bone marrow suppression. Furthermore, recent vaccination of genetically susceptible breeds has been associated with transient seizures in puppies and adult dogs, as well as a variety of autoimmune diseases including those affecting the blood, endocrine organs, joints, skin and mucosa, central nervous system, eyes, muscles, liver, kidneys, and bowel. It is postulated that an underlying genetic predisposition to these conditions places other littermates and close relatives at increased risk. Vaccination of pet and research dogs with polyvalent vaccines containing rabies virus or rabies vaccine alone was recently shown to induce production of antithyroglobulin autoantibodies, a provocative and important finding with implications for the subsequent development of hypothyroidism (Scott-Moncrieff et al, 2002).
Vaccination also can overwhelm the immunocompromised or even healthy host that is repeatedly challenged with other environmental stimuli and is genetically predisposed to react adversely upon viral exposure. The recently weaned young puppy or kitten entering a new environment is at greater risk here, as its relatively immature immune system can be temporarily or more permanently harmed. Consequences in later life may be the increased susceptibility to chronic debilitating diseases.
As combination vaccines contain antigens other than those of the clinically important infectious disease agents, some may be unnecessary; and their use may increase the risk of adverse reactions. With the exception of a recently introduced mutivalent Leptospira spp. vaccine, the other leptospirosis vaccines afford little protection against the clinically important fields strains of leptospirosis, and the antibodies they elicit typically last only a few months. Other vaccines, such as for Lyme disease, may not be needed, because the disease is limited to certain geographical areas. Annual revaccination for rabies is required by some states even though there are USDA licensed rabies vaccine with a 3-year duration. Thus, the overall risk-benefit ratio of using certain vaccines or multiple antigen vaccines given simultaneously and repeatedly should be reexamined. It must be recognized, however, that we have the luxury of asking such questions today only because the risk of disease has been effectively reduced by the widespread use of vaccination programs.
Given this troublesome situation, what are the experts saying about these issues? In 1995, a landmark review commentary focused the attention of the veterinary profession on the advisability of current vaccine practices. Are we overvaccinating companion animals, and if so, what is the appropriate periodicity of booster vaccines ? Discussion of this provocative topic has generally lead to other questions about the duration of immunity conferred by the currently licensed vaccine components.
Veterinary vaccinologists have recommended new protocols for dogs and cats. These include: 1) giving the puppy or kitten vaccine series followed by a booster at one year of age; 2) administering further boosters in a combination vaccine every three years or as split components alternating every other year until; 3) the pet reaches geriatric age, at which time booster vaccination is likely to be unnecessary and may be unadvisable for those with aging or immunologic disorders. In the intervening years between booster vaccinations, and in the case of geriatric pets, circulating humoral immunity can be evaluated by measuring serum vaccine antibody titers as an indication of the presence of immune memory. Titers do not distinguish between immunity generated by vaccination and/or exposure to the disease, although the magnitude of immunity produced just by vaccination is usually lower (see Tables).
Except where vaccination is required by law, all animals, but especially those dogs or close relatives that previously experienced an adverse reaction to vaccination can have serum antibody titers measured annually instead of revaccination. If adequate titers are found, the animal should not need revaccination until some future date. Rechecking antibody titers can be performed annually, thereafter, or can be offered as an alternative to pet owners who prefer not to follow the conventional practice of annual boosters. Reliable serologic vaccine titering is available from several university and commercial laboratories and the cost is reasonable (Twark and Dodds, 2000; Lappin et al, 2002; Paul et al, 2003; Moore and Glickman, 2004).
Relatively little has been published about the duration of immunity following vaccination, although new data are beginning to appear for both dogs and cats.
Our recent study (Twark and Dodds, 2000), evaluated 1441 dogs for CPV antibody titer and 1379 dogs for CDV antibody titer. Of these, 95.1 % were judged to have adequate CPV titers, and nearly all (97.6 %) had adequate CDV titers. Vaccine histories were available for 444 dogs (CPV) and 433 dogs (CDV). Only 43 dogs had been vaccinated within the previous year, with the majority of dogs (268 or 60%) having received a booster vaccination 1-2 years beforehand. On the basis of our data, we concluded that annual revaccination is unnecessary. Similar findings and conclusions have been published recently for dogs in New Zealand (Kyle et al, 2002), and cats (Scott and Geissinger, 1999; Lappin et al, 2002). Comprehensive studies of the duration of serologic response to five viral vaccine antigens in dogs and three viral vaccine antigens in cats were recently published by researchers at Pfizer Animal Health ( Mouzin et al, 2004).
When an adequate immune memory has already been established, there is little reason to introduce unnecessary antigen, adjuvant, and preservatives by administering booster vaccines. By titering annually, one can assess whether a given animal’s humoral immune response has fallen below levels of adequate immune memory. In that event, an appropriate vaccine booster can be administered.
Newborn puppies acquire immunities against many diseases by nursing from their mother. During the first two days of life, a puppy that nurses takes in the colostrum that is present in the milk that is first produced. The antibodies that are passed in the colostrum are vital to the puppy’s health and well being. These antibodies prevent the puppy from being infected by diseases like Canine Distemper and Parvo virus. These same antibodies are also the reason veterinarians suggest vaccinations to be given after six weeks of age.
It is highly recommended that new puppies visit a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will then educate the owner on the needs of the new puppy, look for congenital defects as well as look for signs of parasitic or viral infections. If all looks well, the puppy is then started on what is commonly called its “puppy shots.”
These puppy shots are also called “five in one” or DHLP-P vaccinations because they are a combination vaccine that will immunize against five very common but potentially deadly diseases.
6 WEEKS Deworm with Strongid.
8 WEEKS Fort Dodge: Duramune / Max 5-CVK (The puppy shot).
9 WEEKS Deworm with Strongid.
11 WEEKS Fort Dodge: Duramune / Max 5-CVK/4L (The puppy shot booster).
14 WEEKS Fort Dodge: Duramune / Max 5-CVK/4L (The puppy shot booster) / Deworm with Strongid.
16 WEEKS Rabies vaccination, Drontal plus dewormer, physical exam.
24 WEEKS Heartworm check, fecal exam for parasites, a vet check optional.
ANNUAL Annual vaccines, vet check.
8 YEARS Mini general profile and CBC screen – recommended at two year intervals if normal, repeat as needed
How to get rid of worms in German Shepherd puppies. Evidence of roundworms and tapeworms can be seen without the aid of a microscope, but other worms are not so easily diagnosed. Occasionally adult whipworms can be seen in the stool when the infestation has already caused some debilitation or weight loss in the dog.Early diagnosis of the presence and species of intestinal parasite is important, for not all worms respond to the same treatment. Therefore, stool samples should be taken to the veterinarian for microscopic examination if worms are suspected. Many veterinarians include the stool check as part of the annual health examination.Most worm infestations cause any or all of these symptoms: diarrhea, perhaps with blood in the stool; weight loss; dry hair; general poor appearance; and vomiting, perhaps with worms in the vomitus. However, some infestations cause few or no symptoms; in fact some worm eggs or larvae can be dormant in the dog’s body and activated only in times of stress, or in the case of roundworms, until the latter stages of pregnancy, when they activate and infest the soon-to-be-born puppies.
roundworms (round worm)
Roundworms are active in the intestines of puppies, often causing a pot-bellied appearance and poor growth. The worms may be seen in vomit or stool; a severe infestation can cause death by intestinal blockage.
This worm can grow to seven inches in length. Females can produce 200 thousand eggs in a day, eggs that are protected by a hard shell and can exist in the soil for years. Dogs become infected by ingesting worm eggs from contaminated soil. The eggs hatch in the intestine and the resulting larva are carried to the lungs by the bloodstream.
The larva then crawls up the windpipe and gets swallowed, often causing the pup to cough or gag. Once the larvae return to the intestine, they grow into adults.
Roundworms do not typically infest adults. However, as mentioned above, the larvae can encyst in body tissue of adult bitches and activate during the last stages of pregnancy to infest puppies. Worming the bitch has no effect on the encysted larvae and cannot prevent the worms from infecting the puppies.
Although roundworms can be treated with an over-the-counter wormer found in pet stores, a veterinarian is the best source of information and medication to deal with intestinal parasites.
Dewormers are poisonous to the worms and can make the dog sick, especially if not used in proper dosage.
hookworms (hook worm)
These are small, thin worms that fasten to the wall of the small intestine and suck blood. Dogs get hookworm if they come in contact with the larvae in contaminated soil. As with roundworms, the hookworm larvae becomes an adult in the intestine. The pups can contract hookworms in the uterus and the dam can infest the pups through her milk.
A severe hookworm infestation can kill puppies, but chronic hookworm infection is usually not a problem in the older dog. When it does occur, the signs include diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and progressive weakness. Diagnosis is made by examining the feces for eggs under a microscope.
tapeworms (tape worm)
Another small intestine parasite, the tapeworm is transmitted to dogs who ingest fleas or who hunt and eat wildlife infested with tapeworms or fleas. The dog sheds segments of the tapeworm containing the eggs in its feces. These segments are flat and move about shortly after excretion. They look like grains of rice when dried and can be found either in the dog’s stool or stuck to the hair around his anus. Tapeworms cannot be killed by the typical over-the-counter wormer; see the veterinarian for appropriate treatment.
Fleas are the vector for the tapeworm. They carry the tapeworm from one host to the next. When an animal bites a flea, the tapeworm finds it’s way to the digestive tract where it sets up camp. Tapeworms can be very difficult to get rid of. Dislodging the head can require multiple de-worming attempts. If you do not kill the worm at the source, it can and will regenerate from the head.
whipworms (whip worm)
Adult whipworms look like pieces of thread with one end enlarged. They live in the cecum, the first section of the dog’s large intestine. Infestations are usually light, so an examination of feces may not reveal the presence of eggs. Several checks may be necessary before a definitive diagnosis can be made.
Several worms that infect and re-infect dogs can also infect humans, so treatment and eradication of the worms in the environment are important. Remove dog feces from back yards at least weekly, use appropriate vermicides under veterinary supervision, and have the dog’s feces checked frequently in persistent cases. Do not mix wormers and do not use any wormer if your dog is currently taking any other medication, including heartworm preventative, without consulting the veterinarian.
When walking the dog in a neighborhood or park, remove all feces so that the dog does not contribute to contamination of soil away from home as well.
Dogs that are in generally good condition are not threatened by worm infestations and may not even show symptoms. However, it’s a good idea to keep the dog as worm-free as possible so that if disease or stress do take a toll, you’re not fighting worms in a sick pet.

Endochondral Ossification of the Elbow joint in the dog
Age 1 week - 12 months.
Very interesting to see how your dog is still developing up to a year old. I hope this can help people understand how high impact or repetitive loading like jogging too early can damage the growth plates in your puppies joints, damaging the cells can stop or alter growth, this can lead to deformities in the bones and joints later leading to instability and degeneration.
Bigger dogs mature much slower than smaller dogs so always speak to a Vet or a Vet Physio to see at what age for your breed specifically you can start to do higher intensity exercises with your dog.