Young Stars
At Nobleheim German Shepherds, we take great pride in our world-class German shepherds. Many of our dogs have great careers and become some of our “Young Stars.”
These dogs have been ranked in multiple competitions and have earned Schutzhund titles on multiple occasions. Our dogs are incredibly well trained and behaved, and the titles they have earned prove it. As a premier breeder of World Seiger German shepherds, our dogs come from a prestigious and well-documented lineage, with many of their parents and grandparents in their ancestry being proven competitors as well.
Our world-class facility located just 65 miles north of the Dallas-Fort Worth region ensures each and every dog is well cared for and trained to be intelligent, brave and loyal. They are faithful and dependable companions, and we can arrange transportation and shipping to locations around the country.
For more information on any of our dogs or on upcoming puppy availability, give us a call at 903-965 5314 or 903-821 4992, or email us at

Deja vom Nobleheim
Sire: V1 Mondo di Casa Palomba IGP3 KK1A
Dam: V Zamira vom Faltenweg IPO2
2 x VA WILLY KUCKUCKSLAND IPO3 kk1a grand daughter. Deja is a gorgeous outgoing pick of the litter female. She is a super female, very social, and has great potential for show/IGP. She has great drive and we have already started her in obedience and she is crate trained.
Deja is pictured here at 6 months old.

SG Yahtzee vom Nobleheim
Sire: V Team Marlboro Hilton II IPO3
Dam: V Tina vom Welsetal IPO1
DOB is January 9, 2019.

SG1 Bono vom Springberg
(call name Bach)
Sire: info coming soon
Dam: info coming soon

Bono (Bach) was awarded SG1 under SV judge Edgar Pertl.